Welcome, Wellness Practitioner!

Thank you for taking the leap to learn how to raise your rates.

I know it can be a very daunting and a huge challenge to take on - the nerves often make a person second-guess or doubt themselves.

It’s not that people don’t think they should earn $X an hour. It’s that asking someone TO PAY $X/hr can be complicated endeavor, filled with many emotional attachments & fear.

In this course, we will cover what wellness practitioners need to know in order to raise their rates with confidence and ease.

Money can be a very sensitive topic for many people. I want you to know upfront that this course is not about regurgitating advice that I have not followed myself. 

I am a living, breathing example that raising your rates can be done, and it can be done multiple times flawlessly, with integrity and boundaries you are proud of.

You got this!

So let's hop in and get started!

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